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Interface OAuth2PopupFlowOptions<TokenPayload>

The type of the configuration object used to create a OAuth2PopupFlow

Each property has a JSDOC description to explain what it does.

Type parameters

  • TokenPayload: { exp: number }


  • OAuth2PopupFlowOptions



Optional accessTokenResponseKey

accessTokenResponseKey: undefined | string

OPTIONAL During handleRedirect, the method will try to parse window.location.hash to an object using OAuth2PopupFlow.decodeUriToObject. After that object has been decoded, this property determines the key to use that will retrieve the token from that object.

By default it is access_token but you you may need to change that e.g. Auth0 uses id_token.

Optional accessTokenStorageKey

accessTokenStorageKey: undefined | string

OPTIONAL The key used to save the token in the given storage. The default key is token so the token would be persisted in localStorage.getItem('token') if localStorage was the configured Storage.

Optional additionalAuthorizationParameters

additionalAuthorizationParameters: (() => {}) | {}

OPTIONAL Some oauth authorities require additional parameters to be passed to the authorizationUri URL in order for the implicit grant flow to work.

For example: Auth0--an OAuth2 authority/authorization server--requires the parameters nonce be passed along with every call to the authorizationUri. You can do that like so:

const auth = new OAuth2PopupFlow({
  authorizationUri: 'https://example.com/oauth/authorize',
  clientId: 'foo_client',
  redirectUri: 'http://localhost:8080/redirect',
  scope: 'openid profile',
  // this can be a function or static object
  additionalAuthorizationParameters: () => {
    // in prod, consider something more cryptographic
    const nonce = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000).toString();
    localStorage.setItem('nonce', nonce);
    return { nonce };
    // `nonce` will now be encoded in the URL like so:
    // https://example.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=foo_client...nonce=1234
  // the token returned by Auth0, has the `nonce` in the payload
  // you can add this additional check now
  tokenValidator: ({ payload }) => {
    const storageNonce = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('nonce'), 10);
    const payloadNonce = parseInt(payload.nonce, 10);
    return storageNonce === payloadNonce;

Optional afterResponse

afterResponse: undefined | ((authorizationResponse: {}) => void)

OPTIONAL A hook that runs in handleRedirect that takes in the result of the hash payload from the authorization server. Use this hook to grab more from the response or to debug the response from the authorization URL.


authorizationUri: string

REQUIRED The full URI of the authorization endpoint provided by the authorization server.

e.g. https://example.com/oauth/authorize

Optional beforePopup

beforePopup: undefined | (() => any | Promise<any>)

OPTIONAL A hook that runs in tryLoginPopup before any popup is opened. This function can return a Promise and the popup will not open until it resolves.

A typical use case would be to wait a certain amount of time before opening the popup to let the user see why the popup is happening.


clientId: string

REQUIRED The client ID of your application provided by the authorization server.

This client ID is sent to the authorization server using authorizationUrl endpoint in the query portion of the URL along with the other parameters. This value will be URL encoded like so:


Optional pollingTime

pollingTime: undefined | number

OPTIONAL The authenticated method periodically checks loggedIn() and resolves when loggedIn() returns true.

This property is how long it will wait between checks. By default it is 200.


redirectUri: string

REQUIRED The URI that the authorization server will to redirect after the user has been authenticated. This redirect URI must be a URI from your application and it must also be registered with the authorization server. Some authorities call this a "callback URLs" or "login URLs" etc.

e.g. http://localhost:4200/redirect for local testing

or https://my-application.com/redirect for prod

This redirect URI is sent to the authorization server using authorizationUrl endpoint in the query portion of the URL along with the other parameters. This value will be URL encoded like so:


Optional responseType

responseType: undefined | string

OPTIONAL response_type is an argument to be passed to the authorization server via the authorizationUri endpoint in the query portion of the URL.

Most implementations of oauth2 use the default value of token to tell the authorization server to start the implicit grant flow but you may override that value with this option.

For example, Auth0--an OAuth2 authority/authorization server--requires the value id_token instead of token for the implicit flow.

The response type is sent to the authorization server using authorizationUrl endpoint in the query portion of the URL along with the other parameters. This value will be URL encoded like so:



scope: string

REQUIRED A list permission separated by spaces that is the scope of permissions your application is requesting from the authorization server. If the user is logging in the first time, it may ask them to approve those permission before authorizing your application.

e.g. openid profile

The scopes are sent to the authorization server using authorizationUrl endpoint in the query portion of the URL along with the other parameters. This value will be URL encoded like so:


Optional storage

storage: Storage

OPTIONAL The storage implementation of choice. It can be localStorage or sessionStorage or something else. By default, this is localStorage and localStorage is the preferred Storage.

Optional tokenValidator

tokenValidator: undefined | ((options: { payload: TokenPayload; token: string }) => boolean)

OPTIONAL This function intercepts the loggedIn method and causes it to return early with false if this function itself returns false. Use this function to validate claims in the token payload or token.

For example: validating the nonce:

const auth = new OAuth2PopupFlow({
  authorizationUri: 'https://example.com/oauth/authorize',
  clientId: 'foo_client',
  redirectUri: 'http://localhost:8080/redirect',
  scope: 'openid profile',
  // this can be a function or static object
  additionalAuthorizationParameters: () => {
    // in prod, consider something more cryptographic
    const nonce = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000).toString();
    localStorage.setItem('nonce', nonce);
    return { nonce };
    // `nonce` will now be encoded in the URL like so:
    // https://example.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=foo_client...nonce=1234
  // the token returned by Auth0, has the `nonce` in the payload
  // you can add this additional check now
  tokenValidator: ({ payload }) => {
    const storageNonce = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('nonce'), 10);
    const payloadNonce = parseInt(payload.nonce, 10);
    return storageNonce === payloadNonce;

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